Miles Jones
“Stop trying to be so cool and put in more work.”
If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time?
Make music on old samplers and listen to records.
What songs have you completely memorized?
Everything by Arrested Development, juicy by Big, I can’t go for that Hall & Oates.
Who is your role model and why?
My parents definitely because they have taught me to be respectful to others and passionate about life. If I could teach more young people the way my parents taught me then the world would be a better place.
What are the go-to snacks you like to eat?
Gummies and Cashews.
According to you, who is the best-dressed person in business?
Idris Alba. Definitely.
What skill are you determined to master?
Learning to use Ableton live music software.
What three films best describe your personality?
Usual Suspects.Major League Baseball.Hook.
What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received?
Stick in ‘til you stick out. A guy named Ash Alexander at 2004 Canadian Idol writers camp.
Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your 18-year-old self?
Stop trying to be soo cool and put in more work.
Where is your happy place?
In the recording studio or on the baseball field or basketball court.
What are the albums that are the soundtracks your life?
Beats Rhymes and Life - ATCQ.Fantastic Vol. 2 - Slum Village.Stevie Wonder - Hotter Than July.
Which activities make you lose track of time?
Playing basketball, making beats, shopping for records or baseball cards.
How many Gum Balls would it take to fill a Boeing 747 Airplane?
9 Billion.
What words would you use to describe your past three months of your life?
Exciting. Intense. Rewarding.
Name something you couldn’t go a day without. Why?
Water. I like to stay hydrated.
List your top five favourite books.
The Chrysalids.To Kill A Mocking Bird.The Tipping Point.The 5 People You Meet in Heaven.King Lear.
Dogs or Cats?
Michelle Pfeiffer > DMX.
Do you believe there is a way to turn your passions in to work, and if so, how?
A lot my passions are my work with music and film. There is always room to create more passions though. Surround yourself with positive energy and be kind to yourself.
What’s the last item you purchased with cash?
Indica or Sativa?
Depends on the time of day or mood but leaning towards the heavy indicas kinda guy.
Read receipt or nah?
Definitely read.